Saturday 25 June 2011

Yes! My First Post!

Finally!!! I have been yearning for my own blog since probably 2 years back. It’s one of those things in your life that you keep setting aside, excusing to do something else that is seemingly more important. 

I know I can no longer fool myself when every time I mention another 'great idea for my blog’ to my husband, he will choke up a laugh as if I just delivered a punch line! Just to prove him that I am serious and probably to shut off the incessant nag in my mind, I finally decided to sit and write. 

As an avid book lover, I have my fair share of authors whose writing I dearly admire. This has only added to my procrastination, as I so wanted to emanate their style of writing. I even enrolled myself two years ago at National University of Singapore graduate course on feature writing! I have shared this dream of mine to my teacher and the advice he gave was "Just write as if you are conversing and your personality will naturally come out. The more you write, the more you get better at it. Then you will develop your own unique style". 

Fair enough. This blog is an attempt of doing just that. Truth be told, I am a frustrated writer. Why do an image of my husband with a silly grin cross my mind again?! Alright, I admit I once told him I am a frustrated pianist after I sold off our full body massage chair in exchange for a piano to fit our limited living space. I would love to be a violinist too if not for my sister's friends who have inquired over the phone "Are you moving furnitures?" or "Do you have a hungry cat?" while I was practicing. Or perhaps because I have declared to him so passionately that I would have been a successful theater actress if given another chance, after watching Les Miserables in Broadway. 

Alright, to sum it up I am frustrated at so many things. That sounds a bit depressing. Let's just say I have plenty of interests. Now that’s looking at the glass half full! I think if you are passionate about life, you gravitate to a lot of things especially art. After all, so many beautiful things surround us. The simplest of things, like making sure we have fresh vase of flowers at home uplifts the spirit so naturally. 

Writing is another form of art that touches people in so many ways. We all have our stories to tell. As a new mom to a 15-month old baby girl and another on the way, I am of course writing what's closest to my heart. Also, I recall a conversation I had with a pregnant friend who matter-of-factly stated that she preferred to have caesarean so she will be prepared with a set date and time. What?! Say that again please? Since when did giving birth, the most revered miracle of our lives, became a 'schedule'? She sure would be in for a disappointment when the baby comes out, there goes your schedule out the window. 

That completely struck a cord with me. From then on, I promised myself I would have to do something, even in small ways, to impart the beauty of natural birth (yes! I am talking of drug-free natural birth), breastfeeding, attached parenting and so many other wonderful ways of caring for the precious little one.  

I hope my blog will achieve all the above, with a dose of humor.   After all, life without it is simply half living. Happy reading! 


  1. hay! i'm so proud of my batchmates! yes to good parenting, yes to breastfeeding!

    congratulations on finally coming up with your own blog! Wise words from your professor. You know what, I dreaded our English compositions in High school and I always wanted to join the Marisian Organ(?) but a lack of skill wouldn't allow it. Who would have thought I would enjoy writing and sharing ideas in my own blog as well ...

    " I think if you are passionate about life, you gravitate to a lot of things especially art."

    - so TRUE ... and I pray that you continue to find beauty in the simple things around you like that vase of fresh flowers ^^

    Don't worry about the piano, Ava might like it when she grows up. Will you be a Tiger mom? hehehe ^^

    Happy for you. Keep on writing!

  2. I am still playing the piano Tep =) Especially now that I have Ava and the unborn baby, good for them to be well acquainted with music =) Though my repertoire now includes "I love you, you love me Barney song", "I'm a little teapot", etc... hehehe! I only have so little time to practice my sonatas =O

    That's the problem, both Alfred and me are neither tigers! But we do give her timeouts and talk to her till she understands =)

    Thanks for the well wishes Tep! I am also following your blog! Keep writing too!


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